7 Things You Need to Know About Starting Pole Dancing
Trying something new always begins with a thought. We observe others who are doing what we desire to do, we wonder how well we would do...

Wanted at First, then made to be LAST
Who Can Guess What the TOP New Year's Resolution is? According to www.lifehack.org out of 50 different resolutions the TOP New Year's...

How to Get the Results You Want From Your Pole Class
Dallas, Tx Staff The question is often asked, "Will pole dancing help me lose weight?" and the answer is always yes...but at a price....

Dance Studio Fitness and how it can Change Your Life!
Dancing is the ultimate aerobic exercise that was created with one main goal and that is, of feeling good working out. Moving your feet,...

The Wednesday Fitness Wind Down
Awww, The middle of the week and the weekend is peering into our vision like light into a new born's eyes. Our inhibitions begin to...