“I Want To Learn How To Pole Dance, But I Am Scared”
Whether you desire to pole dance for fun or for fitness there can be a lot of thought that goes into you actually turning that want into an active search for pole dancing classes near you. Pole dancing has emerged from what it has always been known as - exotic dancing, to now a recreation type of fitness that an everyday woman who works at a corporate job can do after work. To take a pole dance class as a beginner you may have a lot of questions and reservations. Some may stem from understanding the type of clothing to wear to your first pole class, to if you will be successful at the tricks, or sometimes how your friends or family may feel when you tell them you will be signing up at your local pole dance studio to learn. This is where the fear comes in.

Women are afraid of the judgment and the comparison. The lack of self-esteem that we often feel we should have is what most women lack when they decide to become a Pole Dancing Student. There is the hope and fascination that once you learn how to gracefully do the pole spins and roll your hips you will feel on top of the world. The good news is, you certainly will, but the not so good news is what are you to do when you don’t have the confidence yet to stand up to disapproving friends or family members or even just the boldness to walk into a first time pole class? You have to start somewhere and you have to do your research.
Not all Pole Dancing Studios are created equal. Some have a strong focus on the athleticism where you certainly can feel that it is necessary to be in pristine shape before attending your first pole class. Then there are others that are true to the sensual nature of pole dancing where you wear bathing suit bikinis and 9 inch heels with the latest nude lip gloss during your pole class. Lastly, there are community based pole dancing classes like Power BAR Women’s Fitness that focus on the actual benefits pole dancing has on the body, the mind, the social wellness, and the confidence.

Power BAR Women’s Fitness has developed an entire community around motivational fitness classes that allow everyone who attends out dance studio to feel incredibly empowered. In Fact, in a recent survey 80% of people when asked What Power Bar Women’s Fitness does well responded, “I Love the way the team makes me feel. I felt like an instant friend even on my first class”. We strive to take the fear out of attending your first class. We work really hard to be a pole dance studio you can run home and tell mom about – as long as you bring her back for a class! There is only positive motivation, open arm acceptance, and listening non-judgmental ears that you will find within our walls. No matter if you visit our Dallas Co., Plano, Arlington, or Fort Worth Dance Studios – you will be treated just the same.
Pole Dancing can be a long term activity used to start and maintain an active lifestyle which keeping your confidence at a high level. We focus on the health benefits of pole and other aspects of dance fitness not just to be the latest Instagram star. We are a home away from home where everyone leaves with a friend – guaranteed! When you can be certain that you are walking into such an uplifting atmosphere like this, you know you have nothing to lose but fear itself. Be sure to come join us at the BAR for your next Pole Fitness Class and get started changing your life today!