How to Become a Pole Dance Instructor and Earn Money Teaching Pole Fitness
As if Pole Dancing wasn't on the rise - the Pandemic of 2020 has certainly sky rocketed it to oblivion. So many curious minded people are wanting to learn more about Pole Dance as a possible side business.
Don't know where to start? Let Power BAR Women's Fitness help with all of your questions regarding certification, process, cost, and getting started.
To start it off - there is not Federal or State Regulations regarding teaching pole dancing as a fitness form. Zumba, Pilates, and Cross Fit all have their regulated form of teaching, but Pole Dancing - not so much.
This doesn't mean that one should just go about teaching recklessly to anyone who will listen. Pole dance fitness can be a very dangerous sport that can cause injury even unto death and should be treated with respect. This is why if you have not been an active student for a number of years where you are considered an expertise from hands on experience, then you should be taught how to properly teach pole before leading others.
Currently, you can find some places that will offer in house certification on various levels and Power BAR is one of those dance studios that offers extensive pole fitness instructor training.
What is an in house certification?
It is typically a testament that a participant has joined and completed a certain number of hours and tasks that prove their ability to lead others in pole fitness instruction with safety and clarity.
It is like taking a niche course in a discipline to prove you care deeply about your trade and invest in continuing education hours. Most Pole Dance Studios do not like to hire people without pole skills or the ability to teach them.
Do not get it entangled.... Knowing how to work the pole and how to teach others to work the pole are two totally different worlds and should be treated as such.
This is why when you seek to lead others, you have backing to prove that someone else has proved you to be professional, safe, and knowledgeable. This will certainly increase your income ability which isn't a bad thing :)
So, how much do these courses typically cost?
A Pole dance Instructor cost varies in pricing from a few hundred dollars to thousands. It will depend on the method in which you train like digital or in person, and the tools and material covered. Be prepared to invest not only financially, but physically, and mentally.
Learning Pole Dance Fitness as a student is quite the challenge, and nothing changes when you embark on the path to make a business out of pole dancing.
The trade of pole dance has been around for many years and the likelihood of it going anywhere anytime soon is not likely. If you are an advocate for pole dancing and can't see your life without it - then we highly recommend making it into a passion that pays you.
Become a Pole Dance Instructor and earn an income leading others in pole dancing for fun and fitness! Join Dallas' Power BAR for more info